MSc Program in Data Science
MSc program in Data Science has been developed as a part of task 10 of the project „NERW PW. Science – Education – Development – Cooperation” co-funded by European Union from European Social Fund.

The Data Science program provides in-depth knowledge and skills needed to process and analyze growing volumes of data. Students learn about data processing and analytic techniques used for structured and unstructured data. Special emphasis is placed upon natural language processing and the analysis of network data (including social networks). This is combined with in-depth coverage and experience in the use of Big Data processing, including key platforms such as Apache Big Data platforms and cloud computing platforms, including collaboration with top cloud providers.
As far as data analytics is concerned, special attention is given to machine learning methods. This includes deep learning and methods focused on network and text analysis and contributes to the knowledge of artificial intelligence. The program combines the knowledge of key algorithms, methods, languages and platforms used in data acquisition, storage, processing, analysis and visualization with hands-on experience in solving real-world problems defined by the industry.
Each student chooses a scientific advisor from among academic and research staff. Last semester is mainly devoted to M.Sc. thesis preparation. Data Science students can also spend a semester studying in one of cooperating European universities as a part of student exchange program.
The graduate’s skills are in line with the skills sought by the largest data processing companies. Data Science studies carried out in English, are focused on preparing graduates to work in international teams. Graduates are prepared to work as data scientists and data engineers in the most competitive enterprises including, but not limited to high-tech, IT and financial sector companies. They can also continue their education as PhD candidates, as data science offers many challenging research topics.

Selected courses of MSc program in Data Science:
- Advanced Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Cloud Computing
- Data Exploration and Visualization
- Big Data Analytics
- Natural Language Processing
- Social Networks and Recommendation Systems
- Management of Organization and Intellectual Property in ICT Industry
The standard duration of MSc program is 3 semesters (1.5 year),whereas the program is offered also in a 2 year version (extended – supplemented by one starting semester, for students who require additional preparation)
Complete program of MSc in Data Science including the scope of individual courses
Details on admission procedure
Funding and educational materials
MSc program in Data Science has been developed as a part of task 10 of the project „NERW PW. Science – Education – Development – Cooperation” co-funded by European Union from European Social Fund.
The aim of the task is to raise the competences of people participating in higher education in the area of Data Science / Big Data and thus to respond to the needs of the economy, labor market and social. This goal has been achieved by launching a full-time graduate program in Data Science.
The task includes:
- Preparation of the MSc program in Data Science by the Data Science Program Committee, with the participation of both academic teachers and employers’ representatives. As a result of the task, the currently offered MSc program in Data Science has been developed.
- Preparation of the objectives, scope and teaching outcomes for individual courses of the program. As a result of the task, all obligatory courses comprising on MSc Program in Data Science have been already developed.
- Preparation of educational materials for the newly offered courses i.e. all core courses of MSc program in Data Science. Teaching materials have been already developed inter alia for machine learning, data visualization, Big Data analysis, deep learning methods, and text data processing.
The task includes all students of MSc in Data Science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences of the Warsaw University of Technology.
Task manager: Maciej Grzenda, PhD, DSc, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology