Our Mission
The Data Science Center groups FMIS data science team i.e. senior data scientists and researchers in statistics, machine learning, bioinformatics, data visualization, data storage, data processing platforms. In our works we rely also on FMIS technology experts in domains such as cloud computing, data processing with GPU platforms, network systems administration, and project management.
What we do
Our team working in Data Science field:
- Contributes to industry projects done with local and international partners. This includes projects funded by industry partners and co-funded from public sources, such as H2020 programs, and programs funded by National Center for Research and Development. The management of these projects is provided by Applied Research Center of FMIS.
- Develops new algorithms, methods and systems. Research addressing fundamental aspects of statistics, machine learning, bioinformatics and data visualisation is typically funded by National Science Center.
- Has developed and largely contributes to BSc program in Data Science and MSc program in Data Science offered by Warsaw University of Technology. These Data Science programs attract top candidates and are attended by top students. Since the first edition, the entrance requirements for BSc program in Data Science include matching particularly high score. The threshold score to pass is the highest one out of all BSc programs offered by WUT. These programs are partly developed with EU funding and are managed by FMIS.
- Cooperates with Data Science community in the region. Some of the initiatives we contribute to are:
- We help build Data Science Summit – the top Data Science conference in Poland, hosted by FMIS, driven by NGOs in cooperation with business partners and attracting over one thousand Data Science professionals every year.
- We contribute also to MBA Digital Transformation program offered by WUT to advance the education of managers in data processing and analytics.
- Together with academic and business partners, we initiate and run Data Science competitions.
Research domains

AutoMAT: Automated machine learning: Modelling, Auditing and Testings
Our group develop new algorithms and tools for AutoML (automated model building), AutoEDA (automated exploratory data analysis) and AutoVAT (automated validation, auditing and testing).

Dependence detection in high-dimensional regression problems
Research problems concern discovery of a minimal set of predictors influencing the target (its Markov Blanket) , prediction interaction between features and modeling of causal dependencies in uplift.

MADAM – Methods for Analysis of Data: Algorithms and Modelling
Research interests: data aggregation and fusion, complex networks and agent-based models, machine learning algorithms, interdisciplinary modeling (economics, social sciences, sports, etc.)

eXTraAI: EXplainable and TRAnsparent Artificial Intelligence
Our group works on next generation of explainers for predictive models. This will be a disruptive change in the way how machine learning models are created, deployed, and maintained.

General purpose parallel computations on GPU devices
Our team deals with the development and practical application of new algorithms and data structures that allow to fully use the computing power of modern SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) coprocessors.

Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics
Our goal is to combine SV, epigenomic, transcriptional and super-resolution imaging data with spatial and temporal nucleus structure for better understanding of the biological function of genomes…

Overview of academic programs
The team of Data Science Center groups researchers and academic teachers of FMIS. We build Data Science education programs, with particular role of BSc and MSc programs in Data Science. These programs run by FMIS were among the first European programs in Data Science and are fully focused on data engineering and data analytics. Furthermore, we contribute to other initiatives such as MBA Digital Transformation studies, PhD studies in Computer Science, Data Science competitions for students and university graduates, and student conferences.

BSc in Data Science (studies in Polish)
The BSc in Data Science program offered by FMIS provides IT and analytical skills fundamental for Data Scientists. The graduate combines comprehensive IT, mathematical and creative problem solving skills in the field of Data Science and has:
- Knowledge of IT tools, platforms and systems for acquiring, storing and analyzing data, including relational databases, data warehouses, Big Data storage platforms, Business Intelligence systems
- programming skills in various languages - especially those that are used in data processing (also with a large volume) such as Python and R
- knowledge of mathematics, probabilistic, statistical and machine learning methods and the ability to apply them to the analysis of data sets from various sources
- the ability to to work in interdisciplinary teams, grouping both domain experts and solution suppliers.

MSc in Data Science (studies in Polish, starting from 2020 in English)
The Data Science graduate combines comprehensive IT and analytical skills and has:
- an in-depth knowledge of data processing and analysis methods with emphasis on machine learning methods, but also other related aspects such as data visualization
- the ability to use existing methods and develop new methods to exploit the opportunities arising from the growing availability of data, including Big Data
- hands-on-experience with processing domain data including structured and unstructured data, such as text data
- the knowledge of key languages and platforms used in data processing including, but not limited to advanced data processing with R, Python, also using Stream Processing Engines such as Apache Spark, and Apache Flink.
The knowledge, abilities and problem solving skills are built during obligatory modules, some of which are listed below and elective modules. Individual modules are focused on mathematical aspects, data processing abilities, but also soft skills including creative problem solving.
Key modules of MSc in Data Science course:
Big Data: methods and systems
Cloud computing
Data visualization
Advanced machine learning
Deep learning methods
Optimization in data analysis
Processing and analysis of text data
Modelling and analysis of complex networks
Research workshop

Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
Data Science Center
00-662 Warszawa
ul. Koszykowa 75
Phone: +48 22 621-93-12, +48 22 234-79-88
Fax: +48 22 625-74-60
E-mail: dscenter [at] mini.pw.edu.pl